
Summary of the timeline of ADOR CEO Heejin Min's press conference held today.

기부전사 2024. 4. 25. 23:09



1. 저는 연예인이 아니라서, 플래시 카메라 안해주셨… 아 앗… 죄송합니다. 

I’m not a celebrity, so you didn’t have to use the flash camera… Ah… I’m sorry.


2. 저는요 이수만이 싫어졌어요 

I’ve come to dislike Lee Soo-man.


3. 퇴사 이틀만에 헤드헌터한테 연락오더라구요? 그래서 갔


I got a call from a headhunter two days after I left SM? So I joined Hive.

> Lawyer = It's true that it was planned, but I don't think it's a legal issue.

4. 시혁님이 저를 이렇게 띄워줬어요! 카톡

Si-hyuk lifted me up like this! KakaoTalk screencapture.

5. 여자가 사회생활하는거 참 더럽구나 ㅠㅠ 싶었어요 

It’s disgusting how women live in society. I felt so sad.

6. 갑자기 코로나가 생긴거에요! Suddenly, there was COVID-19!

7. 여자친구 해체는 저랑 상관없습니다ㅎㅎ 여자친구는 근데 브랜딩이 안되어있었어요 

The disbandment of Girlfriend(Korean girl group) has nothing to do with me. Anyway, Girlfriend wasn’t branded.

8. 저 술도 안마시고 골프도 안쳐요. 

Did I splurge by hiring a driver like you guys, playing golf, or drinking alcohol? If you look at my corporate card statement, all you see are dinner expenses!! bae-min!!(korea food delivery platform like a uber-eats)

9. 제가 이 기회로 친구들이 많은지 몰랐어요. 

I didn’t realize I had so many friends because of this opportunity.


10. 민지는 어렸을때 진짜 이뻤어요 

Minji was really pretty when she was young.


11. 오디션을 브랜딩하는 경우가 없어서 내가 브랜딩해냈어요! 

There were no cases of branding auditions, so I did it!


12. 하니는 굉장히 탈렌티드해요! 

Hani is very talented!


13. 하이브는 반성하셔야해요! 

HYBE should reflect!


14. 우리 뉴진스 애들이 민희진을 보고 들어온거에요! 쏘스뮤직이면 안들어온거에요!

All Newjeans  members came in after seeing Min Hee-jin! They wouldn’t have come in if it was Source Music!


15. 사쿠라 김채원! 뽑은지도 몰랐어요! 

Sakura Kim Chae-won! I didn’t even know I picked her!


16. 밖에서 제가 어도어만드는게 엄청 자유롭게 만들줄아시죠!?

U guys think I feel very comfortable making music on ADOR? It's bullshit.


17. 왜 제가 뽑은 애들이고 내가 준 곡인데, 왜 제가 하이브 지분 100%로 회사를 차리냐구


Why am I starting a company with 100% HYBE shares when I picked the kids and gave them the song!

18. 제가 산고가 느껴졌고! 누가 제 임신한 배를 빵 찬 느낌이었다니까요? 

As I was raising the New Jeans members, I felt like I was feeling the pain of childbirth. But someone came and kicked my pregnant belly.

19. 저는 시혁님이랑 결이 달라요! (방시혁이 에스파 밟으실 수 있죠? 라고 말한 카톡을 공개하며) 

I’m different from Si-hyuk! (He revealed a KakaoTalk message saying, “Bang Si-hyuk can step on AESPA, right?”)

20. 본인과 주변인들 카톡 공개 

Revealing my own and surrounding people’s KakaoTalk

21. 사주 보긴했다. BTS군대가는거 물어봤어요. 군대가는거 세상사람들이 다 하잖아요? 

I did see a fortune teller. I asked about BTS going to the military. Everyone in the world goes to the military, right?

22. 저 원래 점보러 안다녀요. 정신과가서 시원함이 안풀려서 간거에요! 여러분은 안그러세요? 

I don’t usually go to see a fortune teller. I went to a psychiatrist because I couldn’t feel relieved! Don’t you all do that?

23. 지원님이 저 사주한거 아니에요? (하이브대표가 '복수는 성공해서 해’라는 카톡을 보여주며) Ji-Didn’t Jiwon instigated me?

(The representative of HYBE showed a KakaoTalk message saying, “Take revenge after you succeed.”)

24. 박지원이 찬탈 사주한거 맞죠? Park-Jiwon instigated me? right?

25. 뉴진스는 그냥 내 새끼같아서 그런마음이 들죠. 

I feel like Newjeans is just my baby.

26. 뉴진스애들이 밤에 전화해서 20분째 전화해서 울어요 우리 대표님 불쌍하다고…

The Newjeans kids call me at night and cry for 20 minutes saying our CEO is pitiful…

27. 뉴진스부모님들도 저한테 매일 이렇게 불쌍하다고 자료도 보내줘요 ㅠㅠ

The parents of Newjeans also send me data every day saying I’m pitiful ㅠㅠ

28. 왜 나는 보호받으면 안되는 존재에요? 

Why am I an entity that can’t be protected?

29. 제가 회사 노예계약!인거에요 (변호사가 말리며) 

I’m in a company slave contract! (The lawyer stops him)

30. 저는 경영머리 비즈니스 머리가 있어요! 

I have a business mind!

31. VC인 제친구한테 주식지분을 물어봤어요! 근데 이걸 자문받았다고 하는거에요! 

I asked my VC friend about the stock share! But they say I got advice on this!

32. 이 개저씨들이 야비하게! 이새기들 어떡하지? 

These bastards are so cunning! What should I do with these bastards?


33. You bastard reporters, you are the problem too.  All reporters always publish articles on behalf of large corporations, and it is very painful to experience it.

